Thursday, 31 December 2020

The ending notes 2020

 Finally, Just 1day to the end of 2020.!!

To My Creator = *I  say Thank  You.* 

To my true friends = *I appreciate  you all.*

To those who showed me love = *I'm grateful.*

To those who hurt me = *I  forgive  and forget.* 

To those I really hurt = *I'm so sorry, please forgive me.* 

To those who challenged me = *lets do it again.*

To those I showed love to = *I still love you and I ALWAYS WILL.*                                                                              To those who helped me =  *I am so grateful and will reciprocate in due season.* 



Monday, 28 December 2020

The Parents House

*The Parents' house* 

*It's the only house* where you can go to dozens of times without an invitation. 

*The only house* where you can put the key in the door and enter directly. 

*The house* that has loving eyes that stare at the Đoor until they see you. 

*The house* which reminds you of your stability and your happiness during your Chîldhood. 

*The house* in which your presence and look  at your mother and father faces is for you a worship and your conversation with them is a reward.

*The house* that if you do not go, the hearts of its owners will shrink, and if you hurt them,  they will be angry.

*The house* in which two candles were burnt to light up the world and fill your life with håppinēss and joy.

*the house* where the dining table is pure for you and has no hypocrisy. 

*the house* that if the food time arrives and you don't eat, the hearts of its owners will be broken and annoyed.

*The house* that offers you all the laughs and Håppinēss.

*Ôh Chîldrēn*, find out the value of these houses before it's too late. 

 *Lucky are those who has their parents house to go to*

*More Lucky are those children whose parents resides with them.*

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Question and Answers

 A shaman was asked:

What is poison?

- Anything beyond what we need is poison.

It can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear, anger, or whatever.

What is fear?

- Non-acceptance of uncertainty.

If we accept uncertainty, it becomes adventure.

What is envy?

- Non-acceptance of good in the other.

If we accept good, it becomes inspiration.

What is anger?

- Non-acceptance of what is beyond our control.

If we accept, it becomes tolerance.

What is hate?

- Non-acceptance of people as they are.

If we accept unconditionally, it becomes love.

Monday, 30 November 2020


 When words create peace it becomes mantra 

When actions results in peace it is tantra 

When sounds results in peace it is music 

When sights results in peace within it is darshan

 When sitting results in peace it is yoga

When mind is quiet it is dhyan or meditation

When breath results in inner peace it is vaasi 

When sakthi creates peace within it is kundalini 

The one name who could generate peace within it is called


Saturday, 14 November 2020

Inner Deepawali


This Diwali, 

instead of wearing a new dress, 

can I change the way I address people?

This Diwali, 

instead of cleaning an already clean house, 

can I work on scrubbing my dusty heart?

This Diwali, 

instead of lighting up my doorway, 

can I question my pathway to ignorance?

This Diwali, 

instead of stuffing myself with sweets,

can I give up the bitterness in my heart?

This Diwali, 

instead of bursting crackers, 

can I burst my egoistic pride?

The day I do all this, 

The Divine will quietly walk into my heart ....


Else with all the noise, 

I may celebrate Diwali....

but sans my Divinity !!!!!

Friday, 6 November 2020


Tulsidas came to know about a unique behaviour of Rahim. While giving alms to the poor, Rahim gave with extreme humility.

While giving, he kept his gaze downwards towards the earth.  He never looked at the person he was giving alms to.

Tulsidas promptly wrote the following couplet and sent it to Rahim.

“ऐसी देनी देंनज्यूँ, कित सीखे हो सैन
जयोंज्यों कर ऊंच्यो करो, त्योंत्यों निचे नैन”

“O great person, where have you learnt this amazing way of giving? As your hands rise (to give), your eyes look down”

Completing the couplet which Tulsidas wrote, Rahim replied in extreme humility.

His reply shows how evolved Rahim was as a soul.

“देनहार कोई और है, भेजत जो दिन रैन
लोग भरम हम पर करे, तासो निचे नैन”

“The Giver is someone else (the God almighty), giving day and night. The world has a misconception that I am the giver. So, I lower my eyes in embarrassment.”

Sunday, 27 September 2020

A Leaking bucket

~ You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Prayers /Yoga but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with it, without being mindful of it. 

(A leaking bucket)

~ You're very kind to outsiders / people in general and speak with them gently, but with your own family you're always harsh / rude.                                                                                                                                                       (A leaking bucket)

~ You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws.

 (A leaking bucket)

~ You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,  insult, curse daily. 

(A leaking bucket)

~ You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. 

(A leaking bucket)

~ You frequently advice/preach others, but practice none yourself. 

(A leaking bucket)

~ You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another.

 (A leaking bucket)

~ You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge, based on external appearances.

 (A leaking bucket) 

We struggle to fill our "lives"  (the bucket) with "earnings" of religion and knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily.

An excellent reminder for all, *including myself*, to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of life.

Friday, 11 September 2020

The ball doesn’t know how old I am”.

 Martina Navratilova was once asked, “How do you maintain your focus, physique and sharp game even at the age of 43?" 

She gave a humble reply, “The ball doesn’t know how old I am”. 

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Dont wait...

 🍃🌼🍃.⁀⋱‿. 🍃 🌼🍃.⁀⋱‿. 🍃

Don’t wait for time. ~ Make it.

Don’t wait for love. ~ Feel it.

Don’t wait for money ~ Earn it.

Don’t wait for the path ~ Find it.

Don’t wait for opportunity. ~ Create it.

Don’t go for less. ~ Get the best.

Don’t compare ~ Be unique

Don’t fight your misfortune. ~ Transform it.

Don’t avoid failure. ~ Use it.

Don’t dwell on a mistake. ~ Learn from it.

Don’t back down. ~ Go around.

Don’t close your eyes ~ Open your mind.

Don’t run from life. ~ Embrace it.