Saturday, 29 December 2012

Ten ways to love

Listen without interrupting
Speak without accusing
Give without sparing
Pray without ceasing
Answer without arguing
Share without pretending
Enjoy without complaining
Trust without wavering
Forgive without punishing
Promise without forgetting

P.S- I am crediting whoever owns these thoughts :-)

Monday, 17 December 2012

Matrix for a Positive Lifestyle

Matrix for a Positive Lifestyle suggested by Deepak Chopra at one of his articles

Have good friends.
Don’t isolate yourself.
Sustain a lifelong companionship with a spouse or partner.
Engage socially in worthwhile projects.
Be close with people who have a good lifestyle – habits are contagious.
Follow a purpose in life.
Leave time for play and relaxation.
Keep up satisfying sexual activity.
Address issues around anger.
Practice stress management.
Deal with the reactive mind’s harmful effects: When you have a negative reaction, stop, stand back, take a few deep breaths, and observe how you’re feeling.

If you want to read the whole article

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Ten most expressive words

Wilfred Funk,noted lexicographer and dictionary publisher,selected the ten most expressive words in english language
The most bitter word is -Alone
The most reverend word is- Mother
The most final is -Death
The most beautiful is- Love
The most cruel is -Revenge
The most peaceful- Tranquil
The most saddest- Forgotten
The most warmest- Friendship
The most coldest -No
The most comforting is -Faith