Tuesday 1 May 2012

Ten commandments

The most damaging one letter word - I - avoid it
The most satifsying two letter word - WE -Use it
The most poisonous three letter word - EGO-Kill it
The most used four letter word -LOVE - Value it
The most pleasing five letter word - SMILE - Keep it
The fastest spreading six letter word- RUMOR -Ignore it
The most enviable seven letter word -SUCCESS- Achieve it
The most evil eight letter word - JEALOUSY - Distance it
The most powerful nine letter word - KNOWLEDGE - Acquire it
The most essential ten-letter word - CONFIDENCE -Trust it


  1. Loved these ten commandments, Komal!

    1. You are welcome UMA.Welcome to my blog.Thanks for stopping by.Hope you come back for more and share your noble thoughts about the posts.


If you got nothing good to say,so be it.But dont say anything bad unnecessarily