Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Worthwhile man

It is easy enough to be happy
When life goes along like a song
But the man whorthwhile
is the man who can smile
when everything goes wrong!

Komal :)

Friday, 25 May 2012

Characteristics of a dishonest man

Face charming like lotus
The speech soothing like sandalwood paste
But the heart destructive like scissors!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Foundation Stones

In building a career,a family,a firm foundation for success,here are a few stones to remember

the wisdom of preparation
the value of confidence
the worth of honesty
the privilege of working
the discipline of struggle
the magnetism of character
the radiance of health
the forcefullness of simplicity
the winsomeness of courtesy
the attractiveness of modesty
the inspiration of cleanliness
the satisfaction of serving
the power of suggestion
the cheerfulness of enthusiasm
the advantage of initiative
the virtue of patience
the rewards of cooperation
the fruitfulness of perseverance
the sportsmanship of losing
the joy of winning

Komal :)

Thursday, 17 May 2012

What should we learn from

An ant? -To go in queue and save things for the future.

A dog? - To be faithful and active forever

A cow? -To nourish all like a mother

A honeybee? -To please others by the sweetness in our voice

A flower? - To make all happy without any distinction'

A tree? -To shelter the needy,enemy or friend

A river? -To love and serve all around

Sunday, 13 May 2012

M-Mind her - A mother knows what is best
O-Oblige her - And your life will be blessed
T-Thank her - For the things she does
H-Honour her - For her love is true
E-Elate her - For she can inspire you to be great
R-Respect her - For she is the living God

                                                                    Happy Mother's Day

Friday, 11 May 2012

Love in different forms

Joy is love smiling
Peace is love resting
Patience is love waiting
Kindness is love showing itself sensitive to the feeling of others
Goodness is love making allowances and sacrifices for others
Faithfulness is love proving constant
Gentleness is love yielding
Self control is love triumphing over selfish inclinations

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

You are old if..

You are genuinely old at any age if
-You feel old
-You feel you have learned all there is to learn
-You find yourself saying "I'm too old to do that"
-You feel tomorrow holds no promise
-You take no interest in the activities of youth
-You would rather talk than listen
-You long for the 'good old days' feeling they were the best

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Ten commandments

The most damaging one letter word - I - avoid it
The most satifsying two letter word - WE -Use it
The most poisonous three letter word - EGO-Kill it
The most used four letter word -LOVE - Value it
The most pleasing five letter word - SMILE - Keep it
The fastest spreading six letter word- RUMOR -Ignore it
The most enviable seven letter word -SUCCESS- Achieve it
The most evil eight letter word - JEALOUSY - Distance it
The most powerful nine letter word - KNOWLEDGE - Acquire it
The most essential ten-letter word - CONFIDENCE -Trust it
Friends these are some wise words by wise souls from random sources.Am posting these together to just take a look at them once in a while,as a 'feel good' source.In this fast paced era,the one thing that everyone lack is time.People who donot have patience to read to explore life,why not make use of these small pearls of wisdom to get wise?
 I dont hold the copyright to any of these sources nor are they mine.If anybody has problem with them kindly bring it to my notification.You know where to contact me
Meanwhile,Thanks for stopping by to be wise and become wise!!
Komal :)